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Integrate Aloft with Skydio

Integration Details

The integration of Aloft and Skydio systems provides a powerful combination of advanced situational awareness and automated flight logging. When you connect your Skydio account to Aloft Air Control, you can access live UTM capabilities and telemetry, with a seamless integration of your pilot and aircraft logging requirements.

What this integration solves for

Live UTM: Track your Skydio aircraft in real-time with live telemetry directly from the Aloft airspace map, with your LAANC and mission plans in complete context.

Automated Logging: All of your flights are logged automatically, with detailed tracking of flight hours per pilot, as well as per aircraft, along with battery and performance tracking with live flight playback.

Advanced Reporting: Aloft’s reporting connects all of your drone operations, including both Skydio and any other aircraft you utilize, into one centralized system of record, with customized reporting to track activity, currency, and compliance.

Scale & Security: Undergoing annual security and FAA audits, Aloft is built to perform at any scale, as we power drone teams with hundreds of pilots and aircraft that rely on Aloft for their mission-critical drone platform.

Bring the power of integration to your workflows with Skydio Extend

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