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Integrate DroneLogbook with Skydio

Integration Details

Skydio pilots can synced their telemetry flights data directly to their DroneLogbook or SafetyDrone account.Thru a single screen: Skydio Cloud Sync, users can enter their Skydio Cloud token to be able to list all organization flights, filtered by pilot, aircraft, and date/time.

Aircraft, pilot and battery are automatically detected and assigned to the flight record.

Smart battery information, current cycle count, is also retrieved from log file import, and maintained in the related DroneLogbook battery record.This flight telemetry data synchronization allows an easy and automatic way to keep track of aircraft / pilot flying hours, battery cycles for maintenance and compliance purposes.

Integration Benefits

Oversight of all operations activity: DroneLogbook lets operators plan and monitor all operational activities from mission planning to compliance reporting.

Event notifications: Customers are notified of key events affecting operations such as pilot currency expiration, maintenance due, incidents, end of lifecycle and more.

Reduce costs & manual work: By automating workflows and integrating with hardware (telemetry) admin time is drastically reduced, improving ROI and allowing crews to spend more time flying and less on paperwork.

Bring the power of integration to your workflows with Skydio Extend

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