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Integrate DroneSense with Skydio.

Integration Details

By leveraging this integration between the systems, Public Safety agencies can easily use Skydio aircraft and/or fleet to enable seamless data synchronization for tracking hardware and flight records performed with these devices. Additionally, customers can also stream realtime video and telemetry from Skydio drones into DroneSense.

Integration Benefits

Improved Record Accuracy: Automatic syncing of hardware and flight data ensures up-to-date and accurate records, reducing the risk of manual entry errors.

Enhanced Operational Efficiency: With integrated data tracking, agencies can streamline their workflows, allowing for more efficient management of their Skydio aircraft fleet.

Simplified Compliance: The integration makes it easier to maintain detailed and accurate logs of flight operations, helping agencies meet regulatory and compliance requirements.

Separate Live Video Functionality: Agencies can utilize live video streaming as a distinct feature, providing real-time situational awareness without interfering with the data synchronization process.

Fleet Management: enables agencies to integrate Skydio aircraft into larger fleet, empowering them to choose the right drone for the mission at hand

Single Pane of Glass: live video collaboration with other pilots - even in other organizations - in a single mission-focused platform

Bring the power of integration to your workflows with Skydio Extend

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